About SIRIUS Quant(SSQ)


When copying the API key or secret key, it may not be completely copied. Place the cursor where the key is displayed and double-click it to select the entire key. And copy it.
For smartphones, click the HOME button in the menu, and if the registered email address is displayed, you are done.
(On a PC, the registered email address will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.)
There is no problem.
Before starting the strategy, it is necessary to set the API Key / Secret Key of the exchange. After setting, please set the order quantity.
When entering the displayed symbol, enter it in half-width characters. The case of the symbol does not matter.
Yes, if you click “Send code”, the verification code will be sent to the registered email address. You can reset your password by entering the verification code you received.
To reset your Sirius Quant login password, have your registered email address ready and access the Sirius Quant login screen.
① Click “Forget Password”.
② Enter the registered email address. (* You do not need to register with a new email address)
③ Enter the new password you want to set.
④ Please enter the new password again.
⑤ Click “Send code” to issue an email verification code. Please check your mailbox and enter your email verification code.
⑥ Enter the verification code displayed on the right.
⑦ Finally, click “Reset Password” to complete the password reset.
E-mail addresses containing “. (period)” are in a special format and cannot be registered. Please register another e-mail address (address that does not include “. (period)”).
The password should contain at least one character each for uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, and should be set between 8 and 20 characters.


That’s right. If the margin is insufficient, SIRIUS will give a trading signal, but it will be rejected by the exchange, so the number of positions on SIRIUS and the exchange may be displayed differently.
Thank you for your valuable feedback. The development team will consider it.
Yes, even if you are running the same Strategy, it will differ depending on the timing of running.
If you want to forcibly terminate, please delete the API set on the exchange side or close the position manually.
In addition, the selected strategy is displayed in a list in [Redistered] on SIRIUS, and there is a display of [stop running] in the Status of each strategy, and you can stop that strategy by clicking it. This only stops the strategy, so the position remains on the exchange.
To start it again, click [running]. It is also possible for SIRIUS to settle each transaction. In this case, it will only be a market order.
Please settle on the application screen of the exchange.
Before closing a position from the exchange, we recommend that you click the “Stop” button in the Strategy Status displayed on the SIRIUS “Registered” screen to stop the strategy.
SIRIUS cannot detect your manual settlements. If you do not stop your strategy, the strategy will continue to signal. (There is a risk of margin shortage.)
Many exchanges do not support cross order. Technically speaking, there is no management function for each position. Therefore, even if you make a manual settlement on the exchange, SIRIUS cannot detect the settlement and will only follow the trading signal generation. This means that if you manually enter or make a settlement, it may affect automatic trading.
Since many exchanges do not manage each position, the position is on the exchange, so if a signal of a new strategy occurs, the previous position will continue to remain. In this case, please settle manually.
Due to lack of margin, SIRIUS has issued a trading signal, but it may be rejected by the exchange.
To avoid such an event, it is recommended to trade with a small number of lots.
If there is a loss cut, etc., stop the loss in all settlements, and set the number of lots again by checking the balance with the margin.
Currently, the entry alerts function is not included in SIRIUS. This is a future issue.
SIRIUS signal generation ➡exchange contract ➡SIRIUS history acquisition flow, so there may be a time lag.
Also, if multiple lots are added to SIRIUS, the lots will be displayed on the exchange after the signal is generated, so there is a time lag in this case as well. (The exchange quantity and SIRIUS quantity will not match.) However, there is only a time lag with respect to the display, and there is no effect on the transaction.
On the Strategy screen of SIRIUS, if the “Running” of the Status of the running strategy is lit in green, the strategy is running.
If not, click “Start” and see if it changes to “Running”.
Depending on the strategy, it may take a considerable amount of time depending on the timing of signal generation and the rate fluctuation at that time.
The higher the risk and the higher the return type, the earlier the timing of occurrence tends to be.
That’s right. For exchanges where positions cannot be managed separately, SIRIUS can only place orders as signaled.
If the number of settlement lots is insufficient, the position will be the opposite.
SIRIUS’s “Close” button only stops the strategy, not the settlement.
Pressing the “Close” button has no effect on the exchange and the position will remain on the exchange.
If you want to make a settlement, please do it manually from the exchange.
This case may occur because the exchange system does not manage by position.
When a strategy has positions, if you start another strategy, the number of positions will not match. Also, if a settlement signal is generated, a position in the opposite direction will be generated. If you manually adjust the number of positions, the quantity will match. If you do not adjust, the number of positions will be different, so the profit will also be slightly different.
We recommend offsetting with other strategies. Increasing the strategy may reduce profits, but it also reduces losses and makes the curve gentler. Even if you combine the same strategies, the effect will not be obtained, so it is better to combine them with strategies that can cover each other’s losses.
On the Strategis list screen, the data displayed is the performance statistical data after running this strategy.
The performance displayed in “Registered” is the performance statistics since you started this strategy. It has nothing to do with the amount of margin, the number of lots, etc. It is related to the actual uptime.
Since it is a strategy designed by the Strategy creator in 1 hour, it cannot be changed from the user side.
The user can only set the number of lots at the time of entry.
On the “Registered” screen, if “Running” of “Status” in the running strategy is lit in green, it is running.
Both are market orders.
Red 〇 … Long entry
Blue × … Short close
Blue 〇 … Short entry
Red × … Long close
Number … Number of signal occurrences
Is there a margin on the exchange? Review your margin and leverage settings and see if the error disappears.
That’s right. If BTC falls and its value is halved, the value of margin is also halved.
There is a suspicion of loss cut or lack of margin.
SIRIUS does not directly access your balance, it only generates a signal.
If the balance is insufficient, the contract will not be executed on the exchange.
This message is a fixed message.
Since SSQ supports English, it seems that such a message is translated by automatic translation.
To be precise, it means “Please set the leverage from the exchange.”
There is no problem if the leverage has already been set on the exchange side.
We recommend one strategy at first.
Once you understand the characteristics of the strategy, you can organize it so that it covers the strengths and weaknesses of each.
At that time, it may be better to halve the entry lot.
Once you get used to it, you can gradually increase the lot within a reasonable range.
If you perform a manual close on the exchange, a new opposite position will be added when the next settlement signal occurs.
Leverage and lot numbers are not directly related.
It will be helpful when considering the required margin.

[Calculation formula for margin required for one lot] Current rate x Trading volume defined for 1 lot ÷ Leverage = Margin required for 1 lot
Not the same.
Number of lots (100) ÷ leverage (5 times) = 20 USD (margin required for trading 100 USD)
Number of lots (50) ÷ leverage (10 times) = 5 USD (margin required for trading 50 USD)
It is said that the higher the leverage, the more likely it is to stop loss.
The number of lots is the number of entries. 1 lot = 1 dollar.
Example) When the number of lots is 300 and the leverage is 10 times: ➡300/10 = $ 30
It is a transaction of $ 300 (equivalent BTC) and requires a margin of $ 30 (equivalent BTC).
Also, depending on the strategy, signals may be generated 20 to 40 times in a short time, and each time it will be automatically traded in this unit. Therefore, you need to be careful about fund management.
Lot units are displayed next to the lot entry box.
For inverse futures, the unit is USD.
For USDT futures, the unit is each coin.
The entry lot will be decided according to your investment strategy, but please refer to the following.
1 million yen ➡ 10,000-20,000 $
100,000 yen ➡ 1,000 ~ 2,000 $
10,000 yen ➡ 100-200 $
(If you start two strategies, use half the lot as a guide.)
Of course, if the number of lots is large, the profit will be large, but on the contrary, the loss will also be large, so please be careful.
It is one way to settle everything, but after changing the number of lots, it is recommended to manually reorder the shortage at the exchange. (The transaction fee is less than the method of settling all.)
For example, if you currently have a 500USDT position and want to double the number of lots, you can align your positions by adding a 500USDT position.
It will not close normally. If you want to change the number of lots during entry, you need to manually adjust the number of positions at the same time.
1Lot = 1USD.
3,000Lot = 3,000USD, and if the leverage setting of the exchange is 10 times, a margin equivalent to 300USD is required.
In this case, you will be trading 3,000 USD worth of BTC for each position you have.
“lots of order” is the quantity of one order. Lot units are displayed next to the lot entry box.
For inverse futures, the unit is USD.
For USDT futures, the unit is each coin.
It depends on the exchange. Please refer to the homepage of each exchange.
Not available. We’ll let you know when features are added.
Please set the leverage on the trading screen of the exchange.


SIRIUS is running on the server and communicates with Bybit, so both will run even if you log off on the screen.
You will need to transfer the margin to your derivative account for the currency of your strategy of choice.
In the case of inverse futures, it will be BTC, ETH, XRP, etc.
In the case of USDT futures, it is necessary to exchange for USDT.
Currently, SIRIUS does not have a mechanism to end the order with the settlement, but the position is settled by buying and selling in reverse. In the future, if Bybit provides the position ID, it will be possible to settle for each position, but negotiations are underway. Therefore, please adjust the Bybit side manually so that the position of Sirius and Bybit match. In the case of USDT futures, only the next new signal will be ordered, so the above phenomenon will not occur for USDT futures.


①It is encrypted and saved.
②The expiration date is 3 months.
③It is managed in the AWS security environment.
The SIRIUS site only sends trading signals and your crypto assets are stored in the exchange wallet. The exchange wallet is protected by strict security, so your assets are safe. Here are two recommended measures for individual traders.
①Update the API Key and Secret Key regularly. (Please renew at each exchange.) Key is valid for 3 months.
②Periodically distribute and save the cryptocurrency assets in the exchange.


We are currently considering developing an iPhone app.
For security reasons, the effective session time is shortened.
Currently, the account deletion function is not installed. Sorry for your inconvenience, but could you please tell me your e-mail address as it will be handled individually.
You can change the time axis by adjusting the width of the gray under “Accumulated Profit” below the chart, and you can also check the past data.
You cannot use the “back button” of the browser on some screens.
If you use it, the parameter will be abnormal and will be displayed as an error. If an error is displayed, you need to re-enter from the top screen.
If you want to change the screen, please use the buttons provided on the SIRIUS screen / menu.
Currently, we are considering API connection with other exchanges such as Binance.
Liquidity is the most important factor in choosing an exchange.
We believe it is very important to be able to fill large consignment orders immediately.
It cannot be done on SIRIUS. If necessary, please correct/cancel on the exchange. SIRIUS does not support correction or cancellation of orders.